Dorothy Lee Donahue

Spiritual / Energetic / Emotional Healer and Coach

I’m on a mission to assist people in healing themselves so that they can begin consciously co-creating the changes they wish to see in their life and in the world.  My work of many modalities brings out people’s divine gifts and talents and awakens people to the truth of their magnificence.  My shamanic gifts help people in connecting with truth and integrity; assisting them in merging with their higher selves.  Once this merge has occurred, people become conscious co-creators instead of unconscious ones.

Praesent cursus nulla non arcu tempor, ut egestas elit tempus. In ac ex fermentum, gravida felis nec, tincidunt ligula. Sed dapibus mauris ullamcorper.

My Life Journey

Sed iaculis dapibus tellus eget condimentum. Curabitur ut tellus congue, convallis tortor et, pellentesque diam. Nullam non dolor eu ligula ultrices pellentesque placerat imperdiet metus. Etiam lobortis bibendum egestas. In quis massa a felis molestie consequat rhoncus vitae nisl. In pharetra posuere dictum. In eget metus eu leo rutrum venenatis vitae sit amet elit.

Praesent in sem viverra, aliquet nulla sed, commodo purus. Proin placerat volutpat nunc, a malesuada sapien pharetra a. Maecenas ac dictum nibh.

Nunc hendrerit, tortor at congue posuere, metus ante bibendum orci, quis tincidunt mi nunc vel lacus. Fusce nec turpis quis velit condimentum pretium vitae sed nulla. Nunc sed eros a dui imperdiet maximus eget vel odio. Praesent porttitor, ante consequat accumsan facilisis.

Video Presentation